2016年7月2日 星期六

High power GaN based LED with HBT control mode

High power GaN based LED with HBT control mode

2005/10  Jung-Min Hwang, Shawn Chen,  H.H. Chang, and Huey-Liang Hwang

  • Conference papers (會議發表):

  High power GaN based LED with HBT control mode, Jung-Min Hwang, Shawn Chen, , H.H. Chang, and Huey-Liang Hwang, The 2nd International Symposium on Point Defect and Nonstoichiometry, October 4-6 (2005), Kaohsiung, TAIWAN (in NSYSU) (poster)

  • download:
paper ppt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuVXZabUhrNDk4NHc/view?usp=sharing

