2016年7月2日 星期六

Flexible Panel Lighting with High Illumination Uniformity Incorporating a Microlens Array Design on A Polymer

Flexible Panel Lighting with High Illumination Uniformity Incorporating a Microlens Array Design on A Polymer

2014/12 Ke-Fang Hsu, Chih-Wei Lin, Jung-Min Hwang

Abstract—In this study, a microlens array on a polymer material is analysed in terms of flexible LED panel lighting design. According to the simulation results, a v-cut structure provides a more uniform panel lighting surface. Using the moulding method, a prototype flexible LED panel lighting has
been demonstrated with uniformity of 0.77 for a 5.5-mm-thick module.
Index Terms—flexible, PDMS, Microlens Array

  • Link:


  • Conference papers (會議發表):

     徐可芳,林志偉,黃忠, 軟性面光源微結構設計技術 Optics & Photonics Taiwan,the International Conference (OPTIC),(OPTIC 2014),pp.P0803-P005,20141204

  • download:
paper pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuVzg4SFZ4UFBWMFk/view?usp=sharing

