2016年7月2日 星期六

Etching Techniques for the Realization of Semiconductor Devices Based on III-V Nitrides

 Etching Techniques for the Realization of Semiconductor Devices Based on III-V Nitrides
2000/12  J. T. Hsieh , J. M. Hwang, H. L. Hwang, and M. Pilkun

  • Conference papers (會議發表):
            Etching Techniques for the Realization of Semiconductor Devices Based on III-V Nitrides, J. T. Hsieh , J. M. Hwang, H. L. Hwang, and M. Pilkun , IEDMS (International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia) National Central University (NCU) , Chung-Li 320, Taiwan, R.O.C. Dec. 20-21, 2000 (oral)

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