2016/5 黃忠民,林志偉,徐可芳,王玫丹
要獲得最穩定照明性能下操作的發光二極體,監視及控制光電熱耦合特性是關鍵問題。在本文中,提出低成本電流、電壓、亮度、溫度感應器結合微處理器、攝影機、光譜儀應用於監視LED光源之電熱色特性,溫度控制使用PWM 方式控制直流風扇,並討論LED照明之穩定性。
關鍵字:光電熱耦合、監視及控制、感應器A multi-sensors supervisory control system based on MATLAB applied for LED smart lighting source
Abstract—To get the stable lighting performance for operating the LEDs, well monitoring and well-controlled of the optical-electrical-thermal coupling characteristics were the key issues. In this paper, the low cost I-V-L-T sensor with Arduino、IP CAM and spectroscope were applied for monitoring the optical-electrical-thermal-color properties of LEDs. The temperature was well controlled by DC fan with PWM control method. The stability of the LEDs lighting was discussed.
Index Terms—optical electrical and thermal coupling, supervisory control , sensors
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- Conference papers (會議發表):
黃忠民, 林志偉,徐可芳,王玫丹, 以Matlab實現一多重感應器監控系統應用於LED智慧照明系統,「綠色科技工程與應用研討會(GTEA)」, (2016), pp.41, 20160527
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oral ppt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuUnc3ZDhoT2NzM1E/view?usp=sharing