2016年6月25日 星期六



2016/5 黃忠民,徐可芳,林志偉

藍光LED 激發黃色螢光粉形成白光已經成為二十世紀照明主流,為更進一步提高效率並同時降低成本,提升LED操作電流使單位流明的價錢降低是主要的方向,但藍光LED隨著電流提升其內部量子效率下降的物理限制造成成本與效率的矛盾,藍光雷射具有隨著電流提升內部量子效率上升的特性,是未來非常有吸引力的照明光源,但雷射光點小,入射於黃光螢光粉時造成局部熱點,使螢光粉嚴重熱衰,雷射為窄角之指向性光源與LED為泛光型光源不同,其激發螢光粉達到高轉換高效率的光學架構亦需深入研究,本研究透過雷射斜角入射螢光粉方式提升螢光粉吸收入射藍光雷射,提高白光光通量,並透過螢光粉塗佈於不同導熱基材,其高導熱基材將有效降低熱點溫度。


The temperature and optical characteristics of oblique incident laser phosphor with different substrates

Blue LED excited yellow phosphor to form white light has become the mainstream of the twentieth century. To further improve efficiency and reduce costs, increasing the LED operating current is the main direction. The conflict between cost and efficiency is due to the physical limitations of blue LED. The internal quantum efficiency decreases follow driving current increasing. The internal quantum efficiency of blue laser rises following the driving current increasing. It is very attractive characteristic for future lighting source. The small laser spot incident on the fluorescent powder caused local heating effect. The laser have the narrow beam angle comparing with the LED has lambertian type optical pattern. The optimized optical architecture of phosphor-converted laser-based white lighting also needs in-depth study. In the article, the laser oblique incidence phosphor powder to enhance the white light. The phosphor was coated on the different thermal conductivity substrate. Higher thermal conductivity of the substrate will effectively reduce the hot spot temperature.
Keywords: laser, phosphor, lighting

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  • Conference papers (會議發表):

      黃忠民,徐可芳,林志偉,雷射斜角入射螢光粉於不同基材下之溫度及光學特性分析,「綠色科技工程與應用研討會(GTEA), (2016), pp.40, 20160527

  • download:
paper pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuUEFFZy0xSDRfWmc/view?usp=sharing
oral ppt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuRWZzenhtRnE2Y0U/view?usp=sharing

