2013/5 徐可芳,林志偉,黃忠民,王玫丹
The Relationship Between Batwing Distribution And LED Fixture Mounting Arrangement
In this study, an investigation of the relationship between batwing
distribution and fixture mounting arrangement is proposed. Over the past few
years, the idea of batwing distribution can improve the work-plane illuminance uniformity have been
accepted conceptually. However, little attention has been given to the point on
defining batwing distribution. Based on the procedure of optimizing illuminance uniformity in different room
sizes, Unified Glare Rating (UGR) and the luminaire arrangement in indoor
environment, the most suitable batwing distribution has been defined. By using
this method, someone can use the suitable fixture number to improve the lighting
environment. Therefore, an energy saving lighting environment could be
Keywords: batwing distribution, illuminance
uniformity, unified
glare rating
- Link:
- Conference papers (會議發表):
徐可芳,林志偉,黃忠民,王玫丹, LED燈具蝠翼型光形與燈具配置關係 「綠色科技工程與應用研討會(GTEA)」,(2013),pp.393-396,20130524
- download:
oral ppt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuTEkxWGJfRlpoSU0/view?usp=sharing