2015/11 黃忠民,龔哲民,王玫丹
白光LED將成為21世紀主流照明光源,白光LED如具有通訊功能將使智慧照明系統創新應用更多想像,本文主要介紹一種以微處理器(MCU)為系統控制核心,透過MCU驅動聚光型微結構白光LED模組發射(Tx)與接收(Rx)達到雙向資料通訊 ,並展示以Matlab GUI 介面設定調光命令,透過光通訊方式傳送調光命令至(紅-綠-藍-琥珀)RGBA 光源端MCU,達到調控RGBA光源 ,有別於追求高速通訊的VLC 研究,本文展現合適照明系統使用低成本,安全,可靠,低EMI 的可見光通訊技術
關鍵字: 白光LED,可見光通訊,智慧照明系統
In the 21st century, high performance and low cost of white light LED will become the mainstream of lighting source. This paper demonstrated a low cost bi-direction data communication technology through MCU and visible light communication (VLC). The technology is quite different from the traditional (VLC) technology which pursuits the high speed communications. The MCU based VLC technology also applied to intelligent (red - green - blue - amber) RGBA lighting system application. It can provide a new lighting VLC application with low-cost, safe, reliable, and low EMI.
Index Terms: white LED,Visible light communication, intelligence lighting system.- Link:
- Taiwan Journals (台灣期刊):
黃忠民,龔哲民,王玫丹, MCU結合微結構LED可見光通訊系統傳輸更可靠「新通訊元件雜誌特刊2016年版通訊產業關鍵報告」, pp.151-155, 20151109
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