2015/10 黃忠民 ,龔哲民 ,吳擇序 ,林志偉 ,徐可芳 ,楊順益 ,王玫丹
關鍵字: 積體化光引擎,亮度調控,色溫調控
High performance and low cost LED light engine will become the mainstream of the 20th century lighting. National research teams develop the smart lighting system for human centric lighting in the next stage. The cost and ease of use will be the key issues for a lot of popularity. This paper introduces a streamlined knob-controlled smart lighting system. Adjusting the knobs will deliver a dimming command to the microprocessor. Based on the dimming command, microprocessor will sent the control signal to dual channel TRIAC dimmer to control the cool-white and warm-white integrated light engine. The system will provide the different brightness and color temperature of light. The low cost and easy to use of the LED smart lighting source was achieved.
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