2015/5 林志偉 ,徐可芳 ,黃忠民 ,吳擇序 ,龔哲民 ,楊順益
根據聯合國的統計資料,預計到了2050年,60歲以上人口占總人口比重高達32%,將是15歲以下人口占比(16 %)的2倍。因此,隨著超高齡化社會的到來,各種因應高齡化需求的產品將一一浮現,照明為生活中不可或缺的要素,其老人所需的照明將會是發展的重要方向。因應智慧家庭之物聯網技術逐漸成熟,搭配先進光源的照明元件或是燈具設計,將可滿足老年人的光環境需求並創造新的照明商機。本文從老年人口增加的趨勢切入,並介紹歐洲人因照明的市場預估方向、視覺老化或疾病造成的影響以及老人照明環境的相關規範與研究發展,最後介紹創新性的照明技術與其高齡化照明應用情境。
According to the UN Statistics Division Report “World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision”, the global population growth of age 65+ people will reach 32% in 2050. It will be twice population of 15- young people. Therefore, the product or service design for elderly will be more important before the coming of the Super-Aged society. When the technology of “Internet of Things” is established, everything can be linked with the smartphone or tablet. Therefore, the advancing lighting design will satisfy the elderly lighting requirement and create new market space. In this study, the global population prospect and market of human centric lighting in Europe are introduced. Then, the change of the ageing-eye and elderly lighting researches are discussed. Finally, the novel lighting researches in ITRI for elderly requirement are proposed.
Keywords: aging society, human factor, smart lighting
根據聯合國的統計資料,預計到了2050年,60歲以上人口占總人口比重高達32%,將是15歲以下人口占比(16 %)的2倍。因此,隨著超高齡化社會的到來,各種因應高齡化需求的產品將一一浮現,照明為生活中不可或缺的要素,其老人所需的照明將會是發展的重要方向。因應智慧家庭之物聯網技術逐漸成熟,搭配先進光源的照明元件或是燈具設計,將可滿足老年人的光環境需求並創造新的照明商機。本文從老年人口增加的趨勢切入,並介紹歐洲人因照明的市場預估方向、視覺老化或疾病造成的影響以及老人照明環境的相關規範與研究發展,最後介紹創新性的照明技術與其高齡化照明應用情境。
According to the UN Statistics Division Report “World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision”, the global population growth of age 65+ people will reach 32% in 2050. It will be twice population of 15- young people. Therefore, the product or service design for elderly will be more important before the coming of the Super-Aged society. When the technology of “Internet of Things” is established, everything can be linked with the smartphone or tablet. Therefore, the advancing lighting design will satisfy the elderly lighting requirement and create new market space. In this study, the global population prospect and market of human centric lighting in Europe are introduced. Then, the change of the ageing-eye and elderly lighting researches are discussed. Finally, the novel lighting researches in ITRI for elderly requirement are proposed.
Keywords: aging society, human factor, smart lighting
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- Taiwan Journals (台灣期刊):
林志偉 ,徐可芳 ,黃忠民 ,吳擇序 ,龔哲民 ,楊順益 , 高齡化社會的照明商機 「照明季刊」,(2015春季版),pp.31-37,20150330
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