2019年8月9日 星期五

Switch circuit

Switch circuit

2016/5/24  Kung Che-Min, Hwang Jung-Min , Chen Wei-Ming , Huang Chi-Chun

The present disclosure relates to a switch circuit. The switch circuit comprises: a plurality of storing elements and a plurality of switch elements. The plurality of switch elements coupled the plurality of storing elements for generating a step-down mode. Moreover, the switch elements, controllers and parts of resistors in the present disclosure are integrated in an integrated circuit so as to effectively reduce size and weight of the driving circuit, advance the circuit suitability, and decrease the development cost of the circuit.

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patent pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuWWxIM1pGVFYtYUE/view?usp=sharing

