Performance Ratio LED Bulb
2015/6 Che-Min Kung, Tse-Hsu Wu, Pei-Ru Wu, and Jung-Min Hwang
Abstract— A high cost-performance ratio LED bulb and wireless TRIAC controller are proposed in this paper. The core circuit of LED bulb is AC step driver which is using driver-onboard technology, it has the advantages of higher reliability, lower cost and compact size. This AC step driver can be dimmed by TRIAC, for smart lighting application, the wireless TRIAC controller is designed. This controller which is universal design not only can control the LED bulbs, but also can dim the tungsten lamps. Users can use the mobile device to dim the common lamps in indoor lighting. In the future, when the sensors are built in the building, it can link the smart lighting easily.
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- Conference papers (會議發表):
Wireless TRIAC controlled technique for high cost/performance Ratio LED bulb,Che-Min Kung, Tse-Hsu Wu. Pei-Ru Wu, and Jung-Min Hwang,IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW),pp.296-297,2015/6/6
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