2016年7月2日 星期六

White LED spectrum control by feedback phosphor coating method

回饋式磷粉塗佈方法於白光LED 光譜控制
2014/1 黃忠民,王玫丹,黃祺峻,陳國儒


國際固態照明技術主要發展重點之一為光譜調控技術,本論文主要研究多層磷粉塗佈及回饋調整技術,透過此方法可控制白光LED的亮度色彩及演色性。使用450nm 藍光晶片模組,透過噴塗方法塗佈單層磷粉於模組上,此層磷粉由矽膠包含磷粉材料組成,單層塗佈完成後進行烘烤硬化,後續送入探針型光性量測平台,分析量測結果並針對所需光學特性進行下一層噴塗,以此回饋式方式進行多層堆疊結構噴塗,直到達到光學特性需求之目標,以單層黃色螢光粉層結合多層紅色磷粉層進行多層堆疊結構,色溫可由4200K調整至2500K,演色性指數由60提昇至65,以黃色磷粉及紅色磷粉混合結構進行多層堆疊結構,色溫可由6400K調整至3500K,演色性指數為82,本研究提供固態照明光源之光譜精準控制的方法,未來可應用高品質光源製作,或製作特定光譜光源應用於人因照明研究

關鍵字:LED螢光粉塗佈LED 光譜

White LED spectrum control by feedback phosphor coating method


           Spectrum control technology is one of the main development preconditions of International Solid State Lighting technology.  The multilayer phosphor coating with feedback adjustment methodology has been proposed in this article. By using this method, we can control white light LED in brightness, color and color rendering. Single layer of phosphor powder contained by the silicone material was spray coated on a light module, which is composed of blue LED chip with 450nm wavelength. After the completion of single layer coating and bake-hardening process, optical properties of the light module were measured by a probe-type measurement platform. According to the measurement results, the next single layer of spray coating was applied for the desired optical characteristics. This loop of coating-measurement process will be completed while achieving the optical characteristics in demand. With the multilayer stacked structure composed of single yellow phosphor layer and multiple red phosphor layers, the color temperature of proposed light module could be adjusted from 4200K to 2500K, and its color rendering index increased to 65 from 60. With another multi-layer stacked structure composed of mixed yellow and red phosphor powder, the color temperature of proposed light module can be adjusted from 6400K to 3500K with a color rendering index of 82.  This study provides precise solid state lighting spectrum control method, which can be applied to future production of high-quality light source. It also could be applied for producing the specific spectral lighting source for human factors lighting research.

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  • Conference papers (會議發表):

     黃忠民,王玫丹,黃祺峻,陳國儒, White LED spectrum control by feedback phosphor coating method, 2014中華民國物理年會暨成果發表會」, pp.No.02A-OE1-09,20140122

  • download:
oral pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuc3hWZ2o1bTBNeTA/view?usp=sharing

