2014/10 Ke-Fang Hsu, Chih-Wei Lin, Jung-Min Hwang
In this study, high efficiency thin film design with low UGR and batwing distribution in LED flat panel lighting is proposed. The batwing distribution can be used to enhance the uniformity for indoor lighting. Therefore, the micro-structure film is designed with v-cut and lenticular to transform the light distribution from lambetrian to batwing and keeps low UGR within 19. In this study, the holes pattern design on the micro-structure film aforementioned to enhance the light efficiency was analyzed and tested. According to the thinfilm simulation model, the holes pattern on the batwing distribution film is proposed to enhance the efficiency more than 2 % with only 1% UGR losses. As a result, the micro-structure film is suitable to create an ideal batwing light distributions in office lighting.
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- Conference papers (會議發表):
徐可芳,林志偉,黃忠民, 平面光源之蝠翼光形膜片效率提升技術 「International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT) Conference」,(2014),pp.713-716,20141022
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