2016年7月2日 星期六

Etching technology requirement for III-nitride structure scaling down from micro to nano-scale

 Etching technology requirement for III-nitride structure scaling down from micro to nano-scale

2005/10 Jung-Min Hwang

III-nitride semiconductors and their alloys have great thermal stability and exhibit a direct band transition for optical emission. They have great potential for application in high-power optoelectronic devices. Moreover, GaN-based diodes have been demonstrated to be a possibility for next-generation lighting with emission of white light.
        The III-nitride has high bond strength make them essentially chemical inert and highly resistant for etching process. Etching damage became a serious problem for operating GaN based optical or electronic device under high power or frequency region. The etching ability and limitation need to be confirmed, especially for III-nitride structure scaling down from micro to nano-scale.
        Title angle IBE is a suitable technique for obtaining vertical profiles with smooth sidewalls for mirror facets. The disordered region of the depth was reduced due to less momentum transfer from ion to substrate with tilt ion beam incident. The fabrication of recessed gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was applied the title angle IBE technique to reduce the ion channeling effect, the transconductance was improved from 40mS/mm to 60mS/mm compared to a device without recess and the leakage current was reduced by nearly a factor of two.
        Photo-assisted etching combines ultraviolet laser radiation and exposure of reactive gas. The light source was ArF excimer 193 nm. The reactive gas was Cl2. The substrate was cooling by liquid nitrogen. The photochemical reaction was dominated in liquid nitrogen cooling to avoid the thermal chemical reaction. It was realized the damage free etching under photon cryogenic etching with high etching rate of 84nm/mins.
        Photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching has been demonstrated to provide a broad and smooth etched surface with a vertical anisotropic profile.  Two disadvantages of PEC etching encountered in device fabrication are a lateral potential gradient on the GaN film and a narrow region of operation for a smooth etched surface. Electrodeless photo-assisted wet etching was developed to solve this problem, with an oxidizing agent peroxydisulfate (S2O8-) replacing the Pt electrode in PEC etching. The rate of electrodeless PEC etching might attain 40-50 nm/min for GaN, but the resulting morphology was still not smooth, with a RMS roughness 20 nm.
        Electrodeless PEC etching of GaN with a chopped UV light source provides a smooth etched surface of large-area and a large rate of etching with a controllable and uniform depth of etching. The roughness of the etched GaN surface is very important for the practical application in device fabrication. A uniform and smooth GaN surface was obtained with a root-mean-square roughness 0.37 nm through electrodeless PEC etching in a solution (KOH 0.01 M, K2S2O8 0.05 M) with a chopper frequency 2500 Hz. Chopped PEC was a important development for photo-assisted wet chemical etching to be applied in the industry with large scale, uniform, ultra smooth, mild etching method. The p-GaN etching was also realized by ELPEC etching with a chopped UV source (ELPEC-CS etching) using an Au mask in K2S2O8/KOH solution. The etching rate of p-GaN was 2.8 nm/min at a chopper frequency of 3000 Hz and a power intensity of 63 mW/cm2 in solution (0.5 M KOH,0.05 M K2S2O8). The chopped photon was used to suppress the recombination current at dislocation. The smooth, uniform, and broaden etching surface in GaN by ELPEC-CS was achieved. The ELPEC-CS in p-GaN was due to the strong hole relaxation current while the light off during the chopped light with 2mm strip pattern. The Au and Pt catalytic metal mask could enhance the etching rate of p-GaN. The vertical etching profile and no lateral etching depth distribution were achieved. There had the lateral etching effect in P/N diode or MQWs structure for blue and green emission, the better collimated light could reduced the lateral etching. The p-GaN, p-AlGaN, GaN, InGaN, n-GaN could be etched by ELPEC-CS method. A new practical tool for III-Nitride based optical or electrical device fabrication process was invented in this work.
Micron-scale light-emitting diodes have been an interest research area of recently. The micro LED was fabricated with ICP etching methods. GaN based micro-LEDs could offer higher light output efficiencies compared to their broad-area conventional LED. The mechanism responsible for the improved performance of micro-LED is still under research. The electrical properties of micro-LEDs were measured by probe station. The ideality factor of micro-LED was increasing from 5 to 25 while the device was scaling down from 10um to 3um. The etching damage in the etched sidewall will enhance the non-radiated recombination. In high current injection condition, the power saturation was not observed. This special mechanism was very different comparing with broad-area conventional LED. The properties of the micro-LEDs were modeling by equivalent circuit from 10um to 3um scale. The high ideality factor indicated the etching damage was serious for micro LED device fabricated by dry etching method.

The size of III-Nitride based structure was fabricated from 300mm to 10nm. The LED structure from 300mm to 4mm could be formed by photolithography following by etching. By controlling photolithography in diffraction mode or over etching the metal mask, the size could be reduced from 2mm to 0.5mm. The mesa GaN LED or P/N diode could be fabricated. The nano structure from 100 to 30nm of GaN could be formed due to the dislocation-induced morphology during etching in photo-assisted wet etching. The structure with 50~10nm nano-wire could be fabricated in GaN or p-GaN during photo-assisted wet etching. The micro-LED was successfully fabricated. Fabricating the nano-LED with small size (100~0.1nm for nano scale) for III-nitride was the major research in the future.

  • Conference papers (會議發表):

    Etching technology requirement for III-nitride structure scaling down from micro to nano-scale, Jung-Min Hwang (invited speaker), The 2nd International Symposium on Point Defect and Nonstoichiometry, October 4-6 (2005), Kaohsiung, TAIWAN (in NSYSU)

  • download:
paper doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Jg2ZDReoWuaHVJd0FBVzJDZ0U/view?usp=sharing

