2015/02 黃忠民、林志偉、龔哲民、吳擇序、徐可芳
摘 要
白光LED 具有高效率、壽命長及容易調變控制等特色,可整合資通訊技術達到智慧照明所需調光特性,但成本及使用方便性將是大量普及的關鍵,本文介紹一精簡化手機調光照明系統,透過手機內建藍牙功能,控制藍牙調光模組驅動高壓光引擎組成之燈泡,可依使用者輸入需求,提供特定亮度輸出,並與傳統鎢絲燈相容,達成低成本及易使用的智慧光源。
關鍵字: 發光二極體,亮度可調,智慧光源
White LED could be high efficiency,long life and easy modulation. Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) could be integrated into LED smart lighting system
to achieve the desired lighting level. The cost and ease of use will be the key
issues for a lot of popularity. This paper introduces a streamlined smart lighting
system. The smart phone with built-in Bluetooth functionality could control the
lighting intensity of high-voltage LED light engine through Bluetooth-TRIAC
dimmer. The system could follow the user’s input to provide specific light
output and is compatible with traditional incandescent light for dimming. The
low cost and easy to use of the LED smart lighting source was achieved.
Index Terms:
LED, intensity
adjustable,smart lighting source.
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- Taiwan Journals (台灣期刊):
黃忠民 ,林志偉 ,龔哲民 ,吳擇序 ,徐可芳 , 精簡化LED智慧光源
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