Damage-free photo-assisted cryogenic etching of GaN as evidenced by reduction of yellow luminescence
1999 J.T. Hsieh, J.M. Hwang, H.L. Hwang and W. H. Hung
Damage-free etching of GaN by Cl2, assisted by an ArF (193 nm) excimer laser, is demonstrated. At low temperatures, photo-assisted etching can provide a better etch rate and largely improve the surface morphology and quality. AFM results show that the etched GaN surface is obtained with a root-mean-square roughness of 1.7 nm. As compared with the photoluminescence spectra of photoelectrochemical wet etched GaN, the photo-assisted cryogenic etching is proved to be a damage-free dry etching technique.
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- International Journals (國際期刊):
J.T. Hsieh, J.M. Hwang, H.L. Hwang and W. H. Hung, (1999), Damage-free photo-assisted cryogenic etching of GaN as evidenced by reduction of yellow luminescence, MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4S1, G10.6, [SCI], NSC 87-2215-E-007-031.
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